
Find anesthesiologists committed with the safe practice of pediatric anesthesia.

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Connected to provide safe care to children and adolescents

Experiencia: 5 years

Isabella Jaramillo

Anesthesiologist Doctor

Pediatric anesthesiologist trained in McMaster University, Canada. More than 5 years of experience in pediatric anesthesiology; with special interest in pediatric regional anesthesia and simulation. Currently I’m an assistant professor at McMaster Children’s Hospital.

Work institution:

Assistant professor – McMaster Children’s Hospital

Natalia Puerto Tchemodanova

Anesthesiologist Doctor

I did MedSchool and Anesthesia Residency at the Universidad Javeriana (Bogota), Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Simulation fellowships at University of Toronto. I have experience and special interest in education through simulation of anesthesia crisis scenaries and vascular access.

Work institution:

Hospital Universitario San Ignacio


Juan Carlos Quintero Toro

Anesthesiologist Doctor

I went to Medschool a the Universidad Javeriana and Anesthesia Residency at the FUCS.
Since I starter my practice I’ve been dedicated to Pediatric Anesthesia and I was Pediatric Anesthesia Professor during the years I worked at the Hospital Infantil de San Jose in Bogota.
I’m currently working in Pediatric Anesthesia at the Hospital Infanti de la Cruz Roja in Manizales.

Work institution:

Hospital Infantil de la Cruz Roja

Experiencia: 10 years

Angélica Fajardo

Anesthesiologist Doctor

Assistant professor of Medicine at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Interests in neonatal anesthesia, with 10 years of experience in anesthesia for neonates undergoing emergency surgical and diagnostic procedures.

Work institution:

Anesthesiologist (Universidad Javeriana), Pediatric Anesthesiologist (Instituto Nacional de Pediatria, UNAM Mexico).

Bogotá, Colombia

Sebastián Cabrera

Anesthesiologist Doctor

Anesthesiologist, currently working at La Misericordia Pediatric Hospital. Specialist in comprehensive service management and candidate for a master’s degree in medical education. Professor in pediatric anesthesiology at the National University of Colombia.

Work institution:

Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia

Bogotá, Colombia

Experiencia: 10 years

Ernesto Albornoz

Anesthesiologist Doctor

I went to Med School to the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, did the Anesthesiology residency at the Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud in Bogotá and then Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia fellowships at the University of Toronto. I have worked with pediatric anesthesia for more than 10 years and I’m interested in education and quality improvement.

Work institution:

Fundación Hospital de La Misericordia HOMI
Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt

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