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Connected to provide safe care to children and teenagers

Mexico City, Mexico

Lina Andrea Sarmiento

Pediatric Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia Pediatric Anesthesiology, National Institute of Pediatrics, CDMX, Mexico Master of Medical Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico, CDMX, Mexico Diploma in Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, ARMTY Full Professor of the subspecialty in Pediatric Anesthesiology, National Institute of Pediatrics, CDMX, Mexico

Work institution:

National Institute of Pediatrics

Montreal, Canada

Sergio Andrés Molina

Doctor and Anesthesiologist

Doctor and Anesthesiologist from CES University. Fellow in Pediatric Anesthesia at McGill University in Montreal. Upcoming Fellow in Pediatric Chronic Pain. Experience in Regional Anesthesia, Pain Management and Preoperative Ultrasound. Enthusiast for clinical simulation and medical education. Volunteer for the Operation Smile Foundation.

Medellín, Colombia

Myriam Suárez Chavez

Doctor and Anesthesiologist

Doctor and Anesthesiologist from the University of Rosario- Hospital de San José- Bogotá. Pediatric Anesthesiologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Specialist in University Teaching at University of la Sabana. Clinical Professor at the University of La Sabana. Coordinator of the Pediatric Preoperative Care Committee S.C.A.R.E. Member of the SCARE section SADEA Member of APSAP. Volunteer for Operation Smile Colombia and OSI. Volunteer GSF.

Work institution:

University of La Sabana

Cali, Colombia

Fredy Ariza Cadena

Anesthesiologist-Transplants and Major Surgery-Perioperative Hemostasiology-Epidemiology and Clinical Research

Graduated from the University of Rosario, specialist in Anesthesiology from La Cardio/Universidad of Rosario, with a Fellowship in Transplants from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Vall’dHebrón Hospital, Master in Clinical Epidemiology and Research from the University of La Frontera in Chile, and Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid. For almost three decades, Dr. Ariza has worked in the area of ​​major surgery and trauma, focusing on the areas of Patient Blood Management (PBM) and Preoperative Hemostasiology. With more than 70 publications and more than 400 conferences in the field, Dr. Ariza currently works as Coordinator for Latin America of the Ibero-American Society of Patient Blood Management (SIAPBM) and as Clinical Advisor in Preoperative Patient Blood Management (p-PBM) for the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA).

Work institution:

Ibero-American Society of Patient Blood Management-World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists

Medellín, Colombia

Carolina Franco

Anestethesiologist doctor

Graduated in Medicine from the CES University in Medellín, Colombia. Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation at the San Martín University Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia. Became a volunteer for Operación Sonrisa Colombia upon graduating as an anesthesiologist in 2011. In 2017 I obtained complementary training in Obstetric and Fetal Anesthesia at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, ​​​​Spain. She inaugural fellow of the Global Surgery Advocacy Fellowship (GSAF) with Op Smile, NKafu Policy Institute and University of Global Health Equity. University professor at the CES University in Pediatric Anesthesia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and Universidad of Antioquia in General and Obstetric Anesthesia.

Daniela Torres


Physician and Anesthesiologist from the Icesi University in Cali, Colombia. Currently working in Fundacion Valle de Lili, where complex pediatric surgeries are performed. I have a teaching appointment with both, Icesi University and Fundacion Valle de Lili.

Work institution:

Fundación Valle de Lili
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